Gosh, it's easy to get stuck in the real world. I've been away from this blog for awhile but hardly away from painting. I was fortunate enough to attend the Weekend with the Masters in September and work with Quang Ho, Jeremy Lipking, and Kevin MacPherson. It was an amazing event--every minute was filled with opportunities to learn. Richard Schmid gave a slide-show presentation, and David Leffel and Jeremy Lipking did simultaneous demos of the same model. Panel discussions highlighted some of today's hotest art topics. And then there were the workshops! If you can swing the time and $$$ for next year, I would highly recommend this event. (Save up, though, it's not cheap...) Next year's location hasn't been published yet, but rumor has it that it's going to be back East somewhere.
The painting above (Johnson Lake) is where I go to walk most days. It's usually filled with people and their kids/dogs--not empty like I painted it above. After 2+ feet of snow last week--no kidding!--it's supposed to be in the mid 70's today. It's definitely time to get out for a walk, so I'm headed out the door.